We are committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of our employees, so far as is reasonably practicable, and recognise that the effective management of health and safety is an integral part of our overall business performance. We also fully accept our responsibility for other persons such as contractors and visitors who may be affected by our activities.
The objectives of the Policy are to ensure that our statutory obligations are met, but these are regarded as minimum standards to be exceeded wherever possible. We will continually strive to improve our management of workplace risks.
We will:
Ensure there is adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.
Provide and maintain systems that are safe and without risk to health for work equipment working conditions
Implement safe practices and procedures in connection with the handling and use of hazardous substances.
Ensure that all employees are competent to carry out their duties
provide new recruits, and existing employees with appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision so they can cope with the particular health and safety aspects and/or responsibilities associated with their job and place of work.
Provide and maintain adequate facilities and arrangements to enable all employees and their representatives to raise issues of health and safety.
Consult our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
Provide adequate facilities and arrangements for employees’ welfare at work.
Make regular safety inspections and set safety standards.
Ensure that adequate time and finances are committed in pursuance of these aims and, provide Competent Persons, including the use of experts as necessary.
While the onus of Health and Safety falls primarily on Management, all employees have legal obligations to take all reasonable care to protect themselves and anyone else affected by their acts or omissions.
Working safely and efficiently to approved methods
Working with regard to the safety of themselves and others
Adhering to the Company’s safety procedures and rules
Reporting all accidents in the proper way and co-operating in the investigation of accidents and measures taken to prevent recurrence
Reporting possible hazards, defects or dangers
The successful implementation of this policy requires total commitment of management and employees at all levels. Full details of the organisation and arrangements for health and safety are set out in separate sections of the Safety Policy document.
This policy will be regularly monitored to ensure that the objectives are achieved. It will be reviewed annually, and, updated in the light of legislative or organisational changes.
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